RYTHM Foundation (QI Group of Companies) Women empowerment
In Gautampuri, South Delhi, the “Safer Cities for Girls” project addresses critical challenges like limited safe public spaces, high incidents of gender-based violence, and a lack of awareness about girls’ safety and gender equality. RYTHM Foundation’s collaboration with Plan International (India Chapter) uses a gender-responsive approach, engaging communities and stakeholders, including boys and men, to challenge harmful norms, foster participation, and create safer urban spaces through various engagement activities, safety audits, capacity-building, and collective action.
Year 1 Direct Beneficiaries:
o 442 adolescent girls (aged 13-18), 311 adolescent boys (13-18).
o 330 parents/guardians (269 females, 61 males).
o 200 government officials (170 males, 30 females).
Year 2 Direct Beneficiaries:
o 406 adolescent girls (13-18), 371 adolescent boys (13-18).
o 255 parents/guardians (226 females, 29 males).
o 200 government officials (170 males, 30 females).
Indirect Beneficiaries:
o Year 1: 5,225 participants (1,340 females, 490 males, 1,970 girls, 1,080 boys, 345 children).
o Year 2: 5,480 participants (658 females, 848 males, 2,602 girls, 982 boys, 390 children).
Before the initiative, girls faced significant challenges due to the lack of safe public spaces, making their mobility and participation in community life difficult. There was limited awareness among community members and stakeholders regarding the importance of girls’ safety and gender equality, leading to persistent issues such as gender-based violence and public harassment. Additionally, the absence of active male allies further hindered efforts to create a safer and more inclusive environment for girls and women.
To address these concerns, three community-level Youth Resource Centres were established, benefitting 777 young individuals by providing them with knowledge, skills, and a platform for advocacy. Simultaneously, three public parks were renovated and transformed into safe spaces for girls and women. Safety audits were also conducted in 21 locations, leading to the successful resolution of 17 identified safety issues, such as poorly lit areas, unsafe streets, and inadequately maintained public facilities.
The initiative actively engaged over 5,480 participants in sensitization programs and campaigns focusing on girls’ safety and gender equality. In addition, 160 girls received self-defence training, earning certificates from the Delhi Police. To further strengthen community involvement, 87 transportation staff, including E-rickshaw, taxi, and auto drivers, were trained on ensuring girls’ safety during travel.
Efforts also extended to identifying 15 safe houses to provide urgent assistance to distressed girls and women, offering them immediate support. Furthermore, 35 boys in the community actively engaged against violence, promoting shared responsibility for safety. 27 youth groups, each comprising 777 members, were formed and trained under the “Champions of Change” curriculum, fostering advocacy for gender equality within their communities.
The “Safer Cities for Girls” project has significantly improved the safety and inclusivity of public spaces for girls in Gautampuri through community engagement, capacity building, and strategic partnerships. Its continued efforts will further enhance the safety and well-being of adolescent girls and boys in the locality.