azadi ka

अखिल भारतीय व्यवसायिक एवं सामुदायिक संस्थान



Registered under the Society Act, 1860

अखिल भारत व्यवसायिक एवं सामुदायिक संस्थान

Established in 2003

logo 20 years

AIBCF's Objectives

Our primary goal is to champion the growth of MSMEs and start-ups. We are dedicated to ensuring that both the government and society understand the unique needs of the business community and its invaluable contribution to our nation. We firmly believe that MSMEs and start-ups are the backbone of the Indian economy, and it is crucial to nurture their development.

We Connect!

Through our wide range of initiatives and programs, we provide a robust platform for MSMEs and start-ups to connect with potential customers, investors, and partners. Moreover, we offer essential resources and expert guidance to help entrepreneurs navigate the challenges of establishing and expanding their businesses. Our aim is to cultivate an ecosystem that empowers these enterprises to flourish and actively contribute to the overall growth of our economy.

We Support!

In addition to supporting the growth of MSMEs and start-ups, we recognize the significance of raising awareness among the government and society regarding the needs of the business community and its pivotal role in our nation’s prosperity.

Through our advocacy and outreach efforts, we strive to ensure that policymakers and the public comprehend the unique challenges and opportunities faced by MSMEs and start-ups. By fostering understanding, we aspire to create a supportive environment that encourages innovation, fosters growth, and stimulates job creation.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to promoting the growth and success of MSMEs and start-ups, while bridging the gap between the business community and society in India.

We firmly believe that by doing so, we can make a positive impact on the economy and contribute significantly to the overall well-being of our nation.

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