Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), Bina Refinery (BR)
BR Education intervention is an integration of projects that aims to promote interest among children to get educated and holistic development. It involves and upgrades knowledge of village volunteers and partners with reputed/local organizations with involvement of Govt. Administration and local institutions to make the projects more effective and improve the overall quality of education. The objective is to empower the underprivileged children from rural backgrounds; to improve the quality of elementary education as envisaged in RTE Act 2009; to improve children school enrolment and retention.; to support children, selection in competitive exams and pursue higher education; up gradation of infrastructure to provide conducive environment for studies; and to ascertain the participation of community in functioning and monitoring of the initiatives.
- Shiksha Aapke Dwar – Mentoring classes held since 2015 in nearby villages, covering around 1000 children every year and classes conducted by village volunteers. The initiative started to improve school attendance, better performance, develop hygiene practices in daily life and preparedness for competitive exams. Women Literacy Classes in mostly tribal hamlets is also embedded in the project. The initiative has increased engagement in participating & getting selected in reputed schools & competitive examinations.
- Medhavi Vidyarthi Puruskar – Annual Scholarship is awarded to meritorious students from Govt. Schools at Bina Tehsil and COT Vadinar to sustain and continue education. Students of Class 8th from nearby 22 villages studying in Govt. Schools are awarded in two slabs, 60% upto 75% and 75% & above in Board Exams in the academic year and Students of Class 10th & 12th from Govt. Schools of Bina Block which includes nearby 22 villages securing 75% & above in Board Exams in the academic year. A total of 3540 students secured scholarships in Bina since 2012 and 1053 students in Vadinar since 2014.
- DAV-BR Public School – Established to provide quality education, create a model school in the region, benefit students of the region. One of the most renowned schools of this region with consistent performance over the last few years. 69% studying in the school are Non-BR employee’s children.
- Science On Wheels– Promote science education with experiential science learning. Mobile Science Express with 150 practical models. Improved science awareness through practical science models and promote science education in the nearby Govt. Middle and High Schools of Refinery.
- Upgradation of Govt. Schools/Hostels Infrastructure – There are a total 38 Govt. Schools in nearby 22 villages. BR has done an upgrade of Govt. Schools infrastructure facilities to provide a conducive environment for education. BORL has done renovation of school buildings, constructed boundary walls in schools, constructed toilet blocks in schools across Sagar region and provided desk benches to all nearby village govt. schools.
- Project Gyanodaya – To familiarize students with digital literacy and to bridge the digital divide. Computer Training is provided to Govt. School. Students from the nearby villages. Approx. 4000 students participated in 38 Govt. Schools.
BR Education intervention aims at holistic development of the children, right from habit formation to school enrolment, preparedness for competitive exams, providing conducive environment for education, imparting education relating theory to practical, support to pursue higher education and bringing social change. More girl’s enrolment and giving creditable performance has established gender parity and empowerment. BR is committed towards working for promotion of Education in the region. Success will stand on the combined effort of the individual, community participation, government, private sector, NGO & media. Together we will achieve the dream of “Growing the Region…Growing with the Region”.